Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

The Birchwood Medical Practice has a Patient Participation Group (PPG). It is affiliated as a member of the National Association for Patient Participation.

What is a Patient Group?

A selection of patients and/or practice staff who meet at regular intervals to decide ways of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the practice to its patients.

Purpose of having a Patient Participation Group

  • To give practice staff and patients the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest in their practice
  • To provide the means for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice and patient healthcare
  • To have a representative group that can be called on to influence the local provision of services and healthcare.
  • To improve communication between the practice and the patients.
  • To encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and well being.

How can you contact the Patient Participation Group?

You can leave messages at the reception desk or email the practice on:

Patients are welcome to attend the quarterly PPG meetings, If is not displayed please ask the receptionist for the next date.


Upcoming PPG Meeting Dates

Stay informed about our upcoming PPG meetings. Mark your calendars and join us for these important discussions. We look forward to your participation!


Location: Birchwood Medical Practice

Time: 6pm


  • Thursday 17th July 2025 
  • Thursday 18th September 2025
  • Thursday 11th December 2025

Virtual Group

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.